Amarandi Barrett's Greece 4 Kids

School in Kea page 2

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 There are 21 (I think) kids in my class. My teachers' name is Kyria Joanna in Greek or Mrs. Joanna in English. They call the teachers by their first names here. Out of the 21 kids in the class, there are fifteen Greeks, five Albanians and one American (me!!). My teacher does not speak English except for the word 'homework'. (My least favorite word.)

This is part of the playground at the school. It doesn't have any swings, slides or seesaws, all it is, is a big piece of concrete. The only play thing that the playground has is a trashcan that kids use as the basketball hoop when they play basketball. We have three recesses, each thirty minutes long. So if school begins at 8am and ends at 1:30pm and we have 3 thirty minute recesses, how much time is spent in class? (*answer on the bottom)


 During the one hour ferry trip going to Lavrion from Kea, I always bring my math and work on it so that I don't have to be doing homework in Athens while I could be having fun walking around! Just because it is called 'homework' does not mean you have to do it at home.

 This is my five year-old friend Geoffrey. Sometimes I babysit for him and his one year-old brother. Jeffrey was going to Kindergarden, but the teacher went on strike because she was only expecting ten students and she got twenty. She asked for another teacher to help her and they refused! So she went to Athens and never came back and Geoffrey never went back to school. He finally went back to France where he lives because his parents weren't going to stay here and just wait for a teacher who was probably not coming back. Geoffrey speaks French, Greek and English. His parents are Greek-Americans. Geoffrey has lived in Greece and in France, but I don't think that he has ever lived in America even though that is the language that he speaks best of all.

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*4 Hours! How civilized!